Calpe School is regularly inspected by The British Council, assuring that the school follows the
British National Curriculum and meets required standards.
After each inspection a full report is issued on the standards of the school. Some of the extracts from our last report are:
“The standard of teaching ranges from good to outstanding. Overall it is very good. Lessons have a dynamic and lively pace. The pupils are enthusiastic and engaged.”
“Both short and long term planning is good. Lesson objectives are made clear. Lessons for the mixed age classes are carefully planned with consideration given to the needs of pupils according to age and ability.”
“The staff are dedicated, positive and hard working. Very good teamwork is evident. Teachers have very good relationships with the children.”
Calpe School follows the British National Curriculum guidelines so children will be placed in the correct year for their age group. (1st September to the following 31st August). The same dates apply for the Spanish curriculum.

All NABSS member schools are fully authorised and recognised by the corresponding education authorities in Spain, as foreign schools teaching the British education system.
In order to obtain this authorisation they have to be certified by the British Council in Spain after having successfully passed inspections meeting British education standards.
For more details please click here: http://www.nabss.org/calpe-school/

The British Schools Overseas program is managed and maintained by the British Government specifically for schools overseas that aim to be of a standard equivalent to those within the British Education system.
This program verifies that said schools are indeed meeting these standards (and in some cases surpassing them!)
Calpe School recently had this inspection and passed with flying colours. We make a continued effort to ensure that we strive towards providing the best education possible for our students.
BSO Inspection Details Please Click Here: