"Proven High Standards"
Assessment is an important part of measuring children’s progress and their abilities so that the school can make sure the children are learning, and all areas of strengths and weaknesses can be addressed.
Children are regularly assessed and feedback provided to parents informally on a daily basis
and during 2 parents' evenings throughout the course of the year.
The two main areas that are assessed are Mathematics and Literacy.
The school has standardised testing from the United Kingdom for these two areas.
The “Schonell” standardised assessments provide ongoing assessment in reading and spelling for our 5-10 year olds. From these results, each individual’s reading and spelling age are attained. This is an English assessment designed for children with English as their first language.
These assessments are administered in the Autumn and Spring terms.
In the event of a child showing any difficulties in either reading or spelling (English as a foreign language) the school has a comprehensive support programme.
The information from both the Mathematics and Literacy assessments are used to enhance planning; highlighting both strengths and weaknesses. The results of both these assessments are reported on to parents.
Throughout the year, Class Teachers carry out end of topic check-ups which indicate the general progress of children for overall teacher assessment and reporting.
The “Progress in Maths” (G.L. Assessment National Foundation for Educational Research), administered in the Summer term, and half-termly Abacus Assessments provide ongoing assessment in Mathematics for our 4-11 year olds.
These assessments shed light on aspects of understanding and use of specific mathematical skills and concepts. Namely knowing facts, using concepts, solving routine problems and reasoning.