(5-7 years)
In Primary 1, the children are introduced to a more formal teaching style.
During these two years there is a greater emphasis on English and Mathematics.
Although technology is a key element and interactive whiteboards are used in each classroom, the traditional academic skills of maths, reading and writing are the primary focus.
The children take home a reading book each day.
"Giving every child, every day a reason to love learning"
In Primary 1, we use the Oxford Reading Tree and the Oxford Literacy Web reading schemes,
supplemented with books from other schemes if required.
Following the new framework for literacy, the children study units of narrative, non-fiction and poetry.
The children also begin to have weekly spelling tests and are assessed regularly to ensure
that they are making progress.
In Mathematics, the children study all aspects of this vast subject from counting and ordering numbers through to data handling, measuring and understanding shape.
Homework consists of reading everyday, learning spellings and in regular Literacy and Numeracy homework. Their learning is further complemented by providing each child with personalised access to a dedicated learning website which provides games and activities related to what has been learned in class that week.
The children also study Science, ICT, History, Geography, Art and Design, Music, Physical Education and PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education).
The children in Primary 1 and 2 have a minimum of 45 minutes Spanish tuition each day.
Children are regularly assessed and feedback provided to parents informally on a daily basis
and during 2 parent’s evenings throughout the course of the year.
The children in Primary 1 stay with their highly qualified and experienced class teachers for all subjects other than Spanish, Physical Education and Music which are taught by specialist teachers.
Children at Calpe School are highly motivated and “Happy to Learn” in the stimulating and caring environment of their modern and well-resourced classrooms.